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Monday, March 25, 2013

Some House and Farm History

We're fortunate to have a neighbor across the road who grew up on the property that we now manage. Ron is descended from the family that established this farm in c.1868, and he and his brother were still on the place a hundred years later. He is a great storyteller and source of information about the farm and all the little quirks we identify as we get to know it better. When he and his siblings were growing up, the farm had a small dairy herd and a hog confinement shed, and they grew apples and tomatoes and strawberries among other crops.

Ron and his sister were generous enough to find us these old photos of the place, dating from when their parents took over here. As you can see, the house was pretty dilapidated, but has been beautifully restored and enlarged and updated.



Here are some additional treasures, showing the farm in the 1970s. So many changes even since then. What is now the pond was pasture. Between the shop and the corn crib was a hog confinement shed. Much of the woods had not grown up and was still used to run cattle.

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